Chicken math!
I ordered some chicks and they will be here mid next week. I have never mail ordered chicks before. Any tips?
I ended up getting a mixture of chicks (15 total) I've already had and one new breed to see how they work. Ordered from Cackle Hatchery. I got black australorp, white leghorn, barred rock, easter eggers....and the new one black laced silver wyandotte. I had a hard time picking between the wyandotte and a maran breed. But I had to limit myself on chicks lol. And of course after I hit submit I get the regret of not going ahead and adding the maran, or questioning if I should have picked it over the wyandotte. No reason why, just me over thinking it all. We got chicks in February and some of them are already starting to lay. But we went ahead and decided to get more and cull our old ladies in a few months. It's time for them to retire, a couple of them are looking like it's time and the heat doesn't help.
I'm excited for my chicks to get here!
I ordered some chicks and they will be here mid next week. I have never mail ordered chicks before. Any tips?
I ended up getting a mixture of chicks (15 total) I've already had and one new breed to see how they work. Ordered from Cackle Hatchery. I got black australorp, white leghorn, barred rock, easter eggers....and the new one black laced silver wyandotte. I had a hard time picking between the wyandotte and a maran breed. But I had to limit myself on chicks lol. And of course after I hit submit I get the regret of not going ahead and adding the maran, or questioning if I should have picked it over the wyandotte. No reason why, just me over thinking it all. We got chicks in February and some of them are already starting to lay. But we went ahead and decided to get more and cull our old ladies in a few months. It's time for them to retire, a couple of them are looking like it's time and the heat doesn't help.
I'm excited for my chicks to get here!