Getting My First 2 Chicks Today!!! ***UPDATE: Pictures!!***


In the Brooder
9 Years
Nov 25, 2010
Sunny SoCal
So Excited to go pick up my standard cochin and buff orpington today, they are already 3 weeks old but still super cute! I'm getting a big palstic tub to keep them in for the month, I'm also picking up some starter mash and a chick water and feeder. I have an old heat lamp clip that I've fastened an old pie tin around to make a metal reflector/cover and have an old red heat bulb that I had for my gecko. I'm wondering what I should use for the bedding? My hamster just died
and I have a whole huge bag of carefresh bedding that I was wondering If I could use until I run out of it and then buy some shavings? Will this work out ok?

UPDATE: Here are my girls!!!
They are sleepy chicks right now. The bigger one is the Orpington and the grey one is the standard cochin.



The backyard playhouse coop is making good progress! If I can keep up the momentum with my dad and family we may even have it done by this weekend!!! (wishful thinking!) We wont need it yet for the chicks but maybe if its all done I can convince my family to adopt the hen at our local shelter that has been there since September!
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As long as it doesn't have a strong odor, like cedar, it should be OK. If that's the stuff they put hamsters in at the pet store then it's fine.
yay chicks!
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Congrats! We have a buff orpington as well. She was adorable as a fluffy yellow chick. She is the youngest of our flock of 3, so we still consider her the baby. Have fun!

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