Getting rid of my roo, what to expect?


9 Years
Dec 27, 2010
I am getting rid of Bill. I'm not going to Kill Bill though
I emailed the farm I bought him from when he was a day old chick and they said he was the answer to their prayers. They have had no luck with fertilization from their two young RIR roos and will pick him up and take him any time. So Bill gets access to tons of ladies and gets to make adorable chicks for all to enjoy!

What should I expect once I get rid of him though? I have four hens out with him now, one hen in confinement due to her back injury and 6 chicks in a brooder. How will the girls react without him?
I have never been without roo's here, they are a vital part of my free ranging, they stand guard while the hens forage and it's a good thing cause some of my hens pay no attention to their surroundings and could be easy pray.

Sort of depends on how you're set up I think...I have about 23 pullets/hens, no roo ever (want to stay neighborly
) and have never had problems. We free range ours only when we're home, unlike 'Zazouse' so the girls have been fine. Sounds like Bill will be a very happy boy, great solution for all.
That's a lot of chickens in the second photo. I don't have a roo and my hens are fine. I buy fertile eggs from swaps or local auction to get my chick fix and replacements.
Mine free range as well. My husband went without a rooster for a little while when he had chickens and they were fine. I did hatch out one boy last week, he's a red sex link. I will probably introduce him and some new girls to the flock in a couple months. They'd only be without for a while and I am home most days. It'd be senseless to get an in between rooster. I should take a picture of the chicken I have in confinement right now because of him. I love roosters too but my God this girl was good at hiding such a large wound. Didn't see it til it rained and all of her feathers drooped. It looks like her mated and scratched her until her side, just slightly under her wing turned into one big scab.

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