getting rid of roundworms


7 Years
Jun 10, 2016
Wondering if my chickens have roundworm, if I move them to a chicken tractor and move everyday if this will break the lifecycle and effectively manage or get rid of them. My chickens love their run and even when it is open spend most the day it in. It is a muddy mess right now, they do have dry areas, but it is still dirt and even if I scrape it there is residual feces. It would have to dig it out to really clean it. How do you sanitize their favorite dirt spots?
Wondering if my chickens have roundworm, if I move them to a chicken tractor and move everyday if this will break the lifecycle and effectively manage or get rid of them. My chickens love their run and even when it is open spend most the day it in. It is a muddy mess right now, they do have dry areas, but it is still dirt and even if I scrape it there is residual feces. It would have to dig it out to really clean it. How do you sanitize their favorite dirt spots?
How do you know that they have roundworms?

How often is the run muddy?

If they feel safer being inside the pen then maybe they would do well with a tractor coop.

I am not sure about if that would stop roundworms, I would think once they have them you have to treat for it.
You can contact your family vet and ask if they will let you bring in some fresh droppings in a ziploc bag for a fecal float. Have you seen evidence of worms, or other symptoms? You can worm your chickens with Valbazen 0.5 ml for a regular sized chicken given orally once, and again in 10 days. You also could use SafeGuard Liquid Goat Wormer 0.25 ml per pound once and again in 10 days for roundworms. Give it for 5 days to treat those and most other worms. Some people worm at least twice a year, while in more tropical environments, it may be more often.

Many people use chicken tractors to get chickens on clean grass often. That can be helpful keep them more healthy.

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