Getting Rid of Sowbugs (PIX)


15 Years
Apr 4, 2008
Tucson AZ
My compost pile is always full of sowbugs. I really don't want to put them back in my garden, at least not so many of them. I was thinking of getting a harness for the chickens and letting them scratch around in the finished compost. I can't let them just run loose in my backyard, the fence is not tall enough, and I just don't trust them not to destroy the garden.

Yesterday while thinking about how I could rid the compost of so many sowbugs, I got an idea!!

I have an old kiddy pool with rather shallow sides, and it fits in the tractor. So.. I put the pool in the tractor, added a nice big bucket of compost. And the chickens thought they were in hog heaven!!

I should have removed the shade cloth from the top of the tractor before I took the photo,


After a couple of hours of scratching in the compost, there were no more sowbugs in it, and the compost stayed in the pool.. The chickens were happy, and I was able to put the compost in the garden.
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It must be a bumper crop for pillbugs everywhere because we have swarms in our compost too.

...and I love your idea!

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