Getting testing done next week!

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Eat the dux, ( or compost them like @BantyChooks does) is the only thing I can think of..... :lau:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau
But such tiny ducks as these would be a waste of a frying pan :rolleyes:. Plus they are so rotten they would surely taste terrible:sick


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I'm getting someone out to test my birds so I can eventually sell eggs at the FM and babies too. Is there anything special I need to know. I house my chickens and ducks together in a big 20x12x5.5 pen..with a coop in the middle. The ducks pool is in the back corner and chickens roost and all up front. It is covered with wire top and bottom with metal panels along the bottom perimeter. We will be moving all the roosters out to a bigger space on family land soon. They don't inspect that kind of thing do they? Either way, I'm excited to have it done. My dream since a kid was to own a ranch farm. And, I'm in my early 30s and taking the steps to eventually get there...on a budget.

I have no idea about Texas rules but here Ducks and Chickens have to be housed separately.

I think because bird flu is passed from waterfowl to chickens that you may not be allowed to keep a mixed flock of both chickens and ducks and still sell eggs to the public. That is my opinion. If you find otherwise let me know.

As far as I know The only test that is mandatory is the NPIP tests for Pullorum and this test is REQUIRED before you can ship eggs or birds in Interstate Commerce.
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