Getting the breeds you want


17 Years
Aug 19, 2007
Northern Utah
What is the best way to get quality chicks of the breed you want? I've looked for breeders in my area with very little luck. Should I start incubating and get eggs from BYC members? I'm looking at Marans and Wyandottes. But I really don't want hatchery chicks. I've gotten all my chicks at the feed store previously and would like to start raising a better quality chicken. I would also like to incubate my own eggs eventually so should I just start now?
Well, you've got a few choices! Buying eggs from BYC members is an excellent idea. Also, you can buy chicks from breeders as well.

One thing to do is, when you google (or search the web), look for breeder's clubs. For example, if you love Wyandottes, looks up clubs in your state. Ex: "Wyandotte clubs in Ohio" and often times, you can find breeders that are closer to you.

If you're buying hatching eggs, remember not to buy during times of extreme heat or cold, because it's bad enough that you'll have that risk of rough postal handling, but your embryos could be destroyed by extreme heat or cold. Remember, the seller's ONLY responsibility is getting you those hatching eggs to you intact. Once those eggs (or even chicks) leave the seller's hands, their responsibility ends.

Lots of people buy hatching eggs and chicks that have to be shipped, and everything turns out fine, but you just need to know that there are risks. Also, check the seller's reviews to make sure other buyers have had a good experience with them.

Take care and I hope this helped,
Actually the thing to do with Club searches is just look up, example, Wyandotte Club.Or Wyandotte Breeders. Far as I know, there's no state-based clubs. . . However the main and usually one club has a directory for all registered breeders in all states.
I'm thinking after hubby builds my new DIY bator I'll hatch some of my own eggs (mutt chickens ha ha. yummy!) to get my hatching figured out. Then I will buy some eggs to hatch rather than try to find chicks. I've had little luck finding people very near me with these two breeds.
That's what I did!
( but I bought one, didn't make one ) - I hatched out some mutts from my flock, did it twice in fact, to get to know the whole process, then went to purchasing some hatching eggs from quite far away.
Thats what we did also ... 2 batches of mutts .... the parents are egg laying machines so hopefully that caries through .... just hafta section off the coup now for whatever it is we decide to go with.
You can save yourself alot of money by buying chicks. It doesn't have to be someone local as many will ship. I know many just like to hatch so they buy eggs, I have done this many times myself, but chicks in the long run are not the gamble of shipped eggs. I have got anywhere from 15% to 65% hatch rate on shipped eggs, so, I sure wouldn't say there is no problem with shipped eggs.
Yes, however, it's called buying at a good time, buying from a trusted seller, and also getting to know your incubator and especially what humidity is right. I used to have poor rates all the time and learned my humidity level was just simply too high.

Also, there's a big price difference between an average $40 for a 12-16 eggs and over $120 for 15 chicks. Plus, not all the breeds, colors, and especially strains and quality are available in ordering chicks.

Yes hatching eggs can be a gamble, but they are a worthy one. Chicks are a gamble too - Considering that most chicks available to order and ship are the same cheap ones you can get at a feedstore, yet, ordering them costs a lot of money, takes a lot of stress, and risks the chance of death and sickness.

If someone wants something particular, eggs are the best route. But that isn't to say they are the best option for everyone.
I have chicks coming from the german line of nh, the good shepard line of barred rocks and the mohawk line of rir's, all heritage breeds, so, you can get chicks other than hatchery.. I haven't bought hatchery chicks in a long time. You can have a 95% hatch rate with your own eggs and 30% with shipped eggs, because you don't know how they will be treated during shipment. I would pay 200.00 for 12 chcks before I would give 75.00 for 12 shipped eggs. I have done both and know which one is cheaper for me.Many breeders will tell you they don't like to sell eggs because of bad hatchrates on shipped eggs, and would rather sell chicks. Go check out threads on the breeds your looking for and e-mail people who have good stock, this is what I did.
I would always rather get chicks than eggs but the problem is, most breeders that I know of don't ship chicks, only eggs. There are some really good ones that do ship chicks and started birds, but for the most part hatching eggs is the best you can get. And yes they are a gamble. I had a hell of a time getting a few quality birds but hatching eggs proved to be the only way I could. Some hatches were 60%, some were Zero. It depends on the weather and how badly they are handled by the post office. All packages go through pretty much the same process but you might get them handled a little better if they do via Express Mail. At least they don't normally get dropped as much that way. Oh yes, they get dropped no matter what by the parcel sorting machines, it's nothing anyone purposefully does.

I'm a retired postal worker. I've worked in the plants with the sorting machines and was a letter carrier for around 20 years before that.

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