Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

Say hi to Bert

Hi Bert... Welcome to the adventure....

Bert replaces Ariel as the gardener.

We are still trying to replace Ompoy.

Its not peak season with pigs so Dodong can cope for a week or two without help.

I just got a random application from a woman with a degree and some experience but I really can't accommodate single women at the moment
Don't be surprised if the next candidate is Ernie

I will always remember sitting at Wendy's eating with my parents, dad, who is a diesel mechanic saw one of "his" trucks go by on the road and said "well, there goes Abercrombie", I looked at him and asked if Fitch was with him.... Without batting an eye, he said "No, Fitch drives truck number....".... Dad actually works with Abercrombie and Fitch...

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