Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

Very true it does help I used to do this with my cochins also some breeders collect rooster sperm and inject their hens
I saw a demonstration on chicken AI at a BYC meet-up some time ago. Youtube also has some demos.

Its a whole lot less "yuck" than boar semen collection. LOL

Broad breasted turkeys require AI. The breast size makes it virtually impossible to reach the correct position.
Croad Langshans are definitely on my list.

Javas, despite the name, are an American breed. I think they would cause some confusion in the Phils.

Still looking for Delaware eggs.

My mind jumps back and forth over breeds,

I would like to get hold of more Australorp and Buff Orps. My inital hatches produced very few birds and I would like to add to my breeding stock.

Our RIR are great. As with the BBS Orps and Jerseys. I also need to get to the stage of two different pens of Ameraucana.

I am on the hunt for Silver Laced and Blue Laced Red Wyandottes for this trip. I have so many requests for these birds. Really good New Hampshire would also be great.

There are some Brahma sellers in the Phils. I dont want to compete with them at this stage but I could do well with Cochin.

So if we can keep this crazy plan together, I need the following:

A reliable person to work with Dodong - Interviewing three candidates - all female - via skype this weekend.

A reliable caretaker/gardener - we now have Jun - very young - but he did fill in his first two reports without a problem.

A way to get the eggs to the airport that does not involve my wife. Our current option is ontop of a jeepney but that only gets them to Bacolod South bus Terminal. They would still have to get the last 20 miles to the airport. We have looked at getting a three wheeld trike (not a side car) to have the staff do it but we need stability. It will be interesting to see if any of the female candidates have bike licenses. Alternatively, we would have to pay a driver to take our car (which means we have to have it available) to do a round trip from bacolod evey second week. We could perhaps conscript an employee of my father in law but that then involves interdependance.

A plan to have two to three new breeds every year. The excitement over new breeds is great. There are many chicken fanciers in the Phils that want a variety of imported breeds.

A plan to start marketing at regional agricultural fairs and expos.

Lots to think about.

We are praying to the chicken gods that the turnover problem can be solved fast. I am of the firm belief that we if we can just get the right people, this crazy idea could be a long term thing.
Some of those langshans lay plum colored eggs. I want some too.
I will have some isbars and isabel leghorns laying in a few months if you are interested. I would ship you eggs just for bragging rights. It would be cool having my chicks hatching halfway across the world
As for transportation to the airport and employees - Have you thought about hiring a backup caretaker? If you can find one with a license, win win. If not it might benefit you in the long run to have an extra pair of hands if someone flakes their duties, you could have he/she work there full or part time and learn the job and then if they prove useful you could offer them a better position and if someone leaves prematurely they would be able to step up quickly.

Just a thought.
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I have heard that some breeders of heavily feathered chickens like brahmas and Cochins trim the fluff around the hens backside to help improve fertility.
i trim the butts on both my male & female BBS English Orpingtons

my buffs on the other hand need no trimming to "hit the mark"

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