Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man


Where are you and everyone else. 2 plus days with no post. I'm getting bored. Need something to read.

Hope everyone is well and having a good week.


I'm hoping he's just busy with normal things like baby sitting a bunch of medical types.
I'm busy fixing my little red 24hp poopscooper, 1 real axle seal blew and other one is dripping tranny/hyd. fluid that costs over $12.00 a gal.
So what happened to Bert?

Bert came and worked 2 days. He then was advanced a weeks pay as he only gets paid bi monthly. He went home on his day off.

He did not return because his dad was sick.
We said OK.
He then said his father died.
We said OK.
Then he was dizzy
We said OK.

Bert returned on Monday at 945 am.

At 1130 he could not be found. Dodong looked inside the house and all berts belongings were gone.

The front gate was locked so Bert must of jumped the fence.


Bert is on the lamb lol. He owes us a few bucks but holding his job open for two weeks was more detrimental.

So today Christopher replaces Bert.

Aye aye aye
fell better soon Oz. Good luck with Christopher. Staffing sounds like a major pita!

I had to cull one of the blacks. He couldn't poop (never did), had a bloody herniated belly button and a deformed leg. Bleah that was not fun.The other one got the bandaid treatment for splayed legs and is now running around fine with the others. He is called Tiny because he only weighs 30 g. The others are 37 to 40 g.

The kids are constantly holding and petting them. The are fun to watch! When we go to bed they chirp loudly. Poor babies miss us!

My STC-1000 arrived today so if I ever hatch eggs again I'll have a better thermostat. :)
Hi all

On Thursday last week I came down with a cold. It should fine by now but it decided to make its way to my chest.

Lots happening but I will fill you in when I get back from urgent care

I know how that feels. I had been fighting a cold for almost two weeks and it finally left about two days ago. Combine a cold, COPD, and constant rain and high humidity during that time was making me into a monster around my family.

Hope you are feeling better soon.


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