getting the run around....grrrr update post #10


11 Years
Oct 5, 2008
no one will give me a source for their answer of no.

they say repeatedly "nope not allowed sorry" but
when asked what zoning law, city ordinance rule
it breaks no one can give me one. I have called
everywhere I can think of. Now one place i havent
gotten ahold of will not answer the phone for me.
i do not want to leave my name and number with
them. i do not want someone coming to my house
to check in/up on me. anyone have any advice on
what i can do/

update post #10
Last edited:
How close are you nearest neighbors???
i don't have an answer for you...but wish you all the best in finding an answer. Maybe do a search on here for chicken people in Ohio--You can PM them directly and ask, maybe?
Does your town have a website I live in a rural incorporated area, and the tiny town has maybe 300 that live in the actual town. My town has a website and some of the codes are on there.
M@M@2four :

How close are you nearest neighbors???
i don't have an answer for you...but wish you all the best in finding an answer. Maybe do a search on here for chicken people in Ohio--You can PM them directly and ask, maybe?

close thats why i wanna know for sure​
I'm not an attorney, but I am fairly sure that there must be a clear law stating you can't do something for them to prohibit it. You just need to look at your town code. If they want you to get rid of them, then they would definitely have to state which ordinance you are in violation from.
called the local feed store...right around the corner. the lady said if the City picks up my trash then no.
but if we have to pay for a company, meany we are in a township then yes. well the city picks our up.
i am so sad. she said she sees lots of people heart broken over getting reported and having them taken away. i really want to have them but i dont think i will. with 6 children i know they will be so upset if someone was to come take them away. i cant do that to them. i will just have to wait til we move. we have plans to move a year from now. so i will hold out. am i still welcome to be apart of the forum?

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