Getting wings clipped? Yes or no?


In the Brooder
Apr 6, 2016
Ellisville MO
I wanted to ask a quick chick question, do your chickens have their wings clipped? My dad brought it up and I just assumed adult chickens weren't good fliers and we have a 4 ft fence so it wouldn't be an issue. Should I look at getting their wings clipped? We're brand new chicken owners and I don't want my chickens getting loose! But I don't wanna clip their wings if it isn't needed. Advice?
It's really going to depend on the individual bird and how much "greener" the other side of the fence seems to them - but, yes, adult large fowl birds *can* go over a 4 ft. fence. Done properly there is no harm done in clipping a wing (just do one, not both - it creates an imbalance as some birds can overcome a two wing clip job, especially if not clipped enough, well enough to manage a decent lift off), so if you are concerned about it or notice them seeming inclined to try it, clip them. I've never clipped but that is more to do with having always been in a place where it wasn't an issue.

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