Getting younger chicks to roost


Feb 17, 2020
I just got 6 week old chicks and I can’t get them to go into their coop at night or roost. I have to physically put them in. I am new to raising chickens and was wondering if they will do this on their own over time or does it need to be taught? I don’t have older hens for them to learn from.
They will learn it on their own but you can help them.
Put a light (15w) inside the coop to help draw them in. Turn it off after they come in. 6 weeks is young to be roosting at night. They typically sleep in a puppy pile until they are 10-12 weeks. Just give them roost of varying heights to practice on during the day. They'll figure it out.
Welcome to the wonderful world of chickening! @Percheron chick is absolutely right, chicks as young as yours have been huddling together under mother hen all their lives and still seek the security and comfort of the "puppy pile" and will do so for a while yet. Even if you put them on a flat board perch (not a rod, chickens sleep flat-footed) a foot or so high, they will still snuggle together for quite some time yet.
Without adults to teach them, your options are to "be the hen" and teach them by manually placing them on the roosts at night, or to let them figure it out themselves over time. I personally expect my chicks to roost but there's no right answer, do what makes sense to you.

If they will not go into the coop you need to assess the coop for issues: Is there sufficient ventilation inside? Is it too hot inside? Is it bright enough inside at dusk that they can clearly see to navigate? If you have a ramp, is it too steep for them to easily use?
I just got 6 week old chicks and I can’t get them to go into their coop at night or roost. I have to physically put them in. I am new to raising chickens and was wondering if they will do this on their own over time or does it need to be taught? I don’t have older hens for them to learn from.
I have kept mine in their coop for a couple weeks. I let them out occasionally but never for too long. If they get scared they will run back into the coop and then I’ll shut them up. Mine are maybe 5-6 weeks

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