

11 Years
Jan 14, 2009
Lake Waccamaw NC
I probably shouldn't post this but.....This picture was taken of my son's girlfriend a couple of days ago. They were taking senior pictures at my families pre 1800's home (nobody lives there). There were 5 people there. My son's girlfriend, 2 of her friends, the photographer, (who is my daughter's best friend) and one of the girl's mother. I was told that no one was in that room when the picture was taken. The photographer called my daughter crying hysterically and emailed us this picture. Look in the window.
I showed it to my mom. She told me that the lady that worked at the house years ago told a story about a little boy who was about 9 year's old that didn't like to sit in church during preaching so he would play on the church grounds.The church is about 2 miles down the road. One Sunday he was messing around in the cemetery and the top of a tombstone broke off and hit him on the head. He was taken to the house and died before the Doctor could get there. It could be a trick, I wasn't there but the girl's mother says nobody was in there, so I don't know. It has had us freaked out a little bit. Just thought I would share for those of you interested in stuff like this.

Look beyond the reflection.. You can see a little boy looking through the window. I saw it as soon as i looked at the image (then i read what the post said).

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Awesome! I see a little boy looking out of the window! Say hello to him LOL.

It would be interesting to find his name, his family and how old was he exactly. Was he playing with the photographer or that is his way of communicating?
It has to be someones reflection or someone inside because there are no such things as ghosts that haunt buildings

People are so gullible.

Cool Picture though! Definate conversation piece

And old barns! They make awesome backdrops for pictures!! I love the use of old buildings in photography
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Defintly see him and honestly this has been happening more and more lately.. I think spirits just want to be seen sometimes... From my experience spirit needs something "real" or substantial to be seen ie mirrors , light reflecting from window , smoke and even fire.. I would say your sons GF had an admirer.. I would'nt be fraked out the lil guys just wanted someone to acknowledge him...
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