
Too bad we didn't meet as kids. We could have been moral support for eachother.

That would've been nice!

I was a clutz as a kid and slid/fell down the stairs a lot. One night I did it, and the ghost made the sound repeat over and over again. My brother had the room alongside the stairs, and griped at me about the noise. When trying to describe what happened we named our ghost Polly Poltergiest. He'd had a dream where he was visited by a Civil War era woman, and we knew the house had been used as a hospital during the Civil War.

The saddest part of all this is that I fell down the stairs and was lectured on noise, not asked if I was okay. Me falling was THAT commonplace! I was doomed to always being the weird kid at school...
Thanks for give me goosebumps every time I look at it.
Working in a small hospital on the night shift, the crew of 3 watched a patient in a hospital gown walk to the vending machine, buy chips and return to his room. Trouble is, there was no one in that room that night. A man had recently died there, of a heart problem. He had asked constantly for foods we couldn't give him, like potato chips. We searched the room, the hospital, checked all (locked) doors, did a head count about 3 times. (People had to ring a buzzer to get in at night.) There were 2 other things that repeatedly happened in that hospital, one of a cold wind or breeze in a certain remote spot, and another of a baby crying in an empty nursery room; both were a recurring experience for several employees, including me.

Also rented an old farm house that the old lady evidently still occupied -- we would see shadowy figures, and hear conversations and footsteps -- she seemed to like our presence; we tended to her bushes and shrubs that had been neglected for several years.

I have a few more, but those are the most striking, and they don't measure up to horsejody's chores getting done, anyway!

I suppose the boy's face could have been faked, though it would seem silly to me -- there is plenty of strange stuff going on out there -- we don't know it all. I'll bet many of those reading this thread choose not to tell their experiences.
I'll give ya'll a little history on the house. It was built around 1781 by a Revolutionary War General. It is located on the Cape Fear River in Bladen County. My Grandfather bought The Plantation and about 400 acres surrounding the house in the 1930's, so it has been in my family since then. None of my family has ever lived there. We have always use it as a hunting lodge. My Grandfather has passed and it now belongs to my dad and his 2 brothers and sister. There are about 600 acres around the house, so it could not have been a neighbor's child. It could have been one of the 17 year old girls or the mother but all of them swear they were not in that room. I wasn't there so I can not verify that. My husband works on our family farm there and he talked to them before they went up to the house and he said it was only them. It was a center of a lot of activity in the 1800's as the post office for the area was on the property. Most of the supplies they had came from the river/ Wilmington. Here is a picture of the river side of the house. It is a mystery and if I find out I am being fooled I will let ya'll know as I have only showed it to friends, relatives and here.


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