
Was anyone in the house when you took this photo?
If not, Does anyone else see someone in a white shirt and dark hair sitting by the window this side of the door ground level?
Eee, that gives me the heebie jeebies! I used to believe in ghosts when I was younger, and although I'm more skeptical now, I still get goosebumps and shivers when I hear realistic ghost stories and see pictures like that! Brrrrr! You never know!
There is no way you can know one way or another. It's no different than believing in a particular religion. Nobody really knows. You either believe or you don't.
No, but that is where people either one of two places when they die...not roaming earth. Everyone is entitled to believe in them if they wish....
I just know better
A little further investigation usually always proves your 'ghost' . Plus, I believe in the bible which tells you that people don't haunt the earth
And of course, what I believe is MO just like the ones who believe in this stuff....

I sometimes forget to add IMO on my will just have to forgive.....
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There is no way you can know one way or another. It's no different than believing in a particular religion. Nobody really knows. You either believe or you don't.

I don't know if I believe in ghosts per se, but I do believe in hauntings and poltergeists in general. I'm living in a house with a known phenomenon.
I think the most popular stories about ghosts is that they are haunting due to unfinished business when they die. Then they go to heaven (or hell, I guess) once they've resolved their issue. Some never do, so they stick around for a long time. Or it is believed by some that ghosts stay around to protect the ones they loved... like those who claim to be visited by family or friends.
Or it is looked at as a type of limbo, a punishment for what they did in life.
Lots of different ideas, I find it quite fascinating!
I lived in a house once where lots of creepy things happened. My friends all thought our house was creepy, and whenever I was home alone I got bad vibes. Sometimes the cats would fixate on one spot in the room and raise their hackles and hiss, and lots of times the dog would raise his hackles and growl for no apparent reason. Some houses just give me the willies. There's certain houses I've lived in where I experienced frequent nightmares, and other houses where I feel safe. Not saying its ghosts, but one never really does know for sure, and it is really interesting!
My mother is a firm believer in ghosts, and some of the dreams she has would make anyones hair stand on end!
There is no way you can know one way or another. It's no different than believing in a particular religion. Nobody really knows. You either believe or you don't.

I don't know if I believe in ghosts per se, but I do believe in hauntings and poltergeists in general. I'm living in a house with a known phenomenon.

What happens at your house?
I don't know if I believe in ghosts per se, but I do believe in hauntings and poltergeists in general. I'm living in a house with a known phenomenon.

What happens at your house?

Yeah, Boyd, what happened?
No problem. We all think differently due to our upbringing and personal experiences. I just assume that when judgement day gets here, they'll go north or south just like everybody else. Until then, I have no idea how the souls are "stored." JMHO

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