
Hikerchick, you know I'm def the 'nutter' but it's in the great grandmother was a seer from Appalachia. Go figure. My son is used to it as we seem to be the ones in the family to inherit her gift in some way. We just say, well, looks something is hanging around for awhile. Doesn't get us down. Now, I'm not sitting here with my foil beanie waiting for the mother ship.

I am not questioning anyone's beliefs. I am expressing the opinion that all beliefs are valid.

I can't imagine anyone would find that offensive.

I understand that. I just didn't want it to get turned around into a big argument about religion, or whether people who are religious are gullible, or not, or whatever.
I agree with your comment actually. But I thought it might get misinterpreted into saying people who believe in religion are gullible, and start a big fight.
I just didn't want a religious argument to flare up and get this thread locked. Arguments do escalate rather fast. I figured she had apologized for saying belief in ghosts was gullible, and that it was best to just leave it at that instead of keep the topic going. Sorry for any misunderstanding.
I have not read all of the posts, BUT it is CLEAR as day in the second blown up picture that his hair is slicked back, and he is wearing a nice button down shirt, for church.

We live in a "haunted house", in RI where Ghost Hunters is located. We had a paranormal team do an investiagtion of the house when we first moved in, but it was purely for our own good and their findings were kept private. We thought about calling in GH, who we beileve would be very interested in the home since it's here in RI and so old (early 1700's) but it's a private home and we don't want it or our kid on TV.
I'll just say that we have alot of footsteps, shadows, and opened and closing doors, etc. Alot of things out in the barn too, especially the original portion (half was built with the home in 1720-1727, no one knows for sure what date, the other half was built on in 1953).
We have 6 fireplaces, a beehive oven, butlers pantry with dry sink, secret stairs, the servents quarters in the attic, etc. It's a fascinating place to live.
We have a couple of historical cemetaries on the premises as well.
Everyone locally knows my place is "haunted" and it's why it's never been formally put onto the market. Up until we moved in it was only in three families in 280 years. It has been privately sold always, simple text only ads or word of mouth, to only selected people. It is creepy but everyone who has lived here wants to make sure that the "right sort" of people take it over after them. It's a historical gem. One repair man who came in to fix my dryer after we moved in said to us that if he had bought the place he would knock the house down and go live out in the barn. "They" didn't like that, he got knocked in the head with the contents of his entire toolbox as soon as he said it and I watched it happen from across the room, his toolbox was very stable and was pushed a good 8" off the top of my dryer onto his head... Showed him
LOL Pine LOL! Serve him right!

Ghost Hunters would respect your privacy as they did in one case, which they blackened out the owner's face and interviewed her. They can do the same for you or have someone in your family to be a "mentor" for your house.

Give them a try and see how they will help you. I dont know if they would charge you or not.
I was engaged to a British guy for quite some time. We used to visit a home of his friend's in Derbyshire. I used to always be creeped out being in this home at night when we would stay overnight. I would feel people around me and one time, I was using the bathroom and the bathtub across the room squeaked and the knobs turned on hot water. Come to find out the area was one of the major areas obliterated during the Black Death.

I used to have issues in Brooklyn too -- one home I lived in, everyone who lived there saw dead people -- angry dead dog would howl in rage in the middle of the night, my mother had weird out of body experiences, and a girl named Sarah used to talk to me in my dreams. I would wake up covered in scratches and nondescript bites and hear screams.
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We often hear low mumbled conversations in the house we live in now (1892). When I would sit in the rec room I could see movement in the kitchen...and we used to see shadow people in the area that used to be the kitchen.

WHen I was growing up...I would hear creaks, cabinets opening and shutting, people whispering, shadows..etc...

When I would work the night shift and come home (to my Moms)..I would often here people and one day I turned a corner and jumped back because I thought I was going to run into was a shadow person and as soon as I got a second was gone.

We haven't heard anything for a while here where we live. But it kicks up everytime I do some rearranging. The last time it happened was when we redid the front room.

I have never seen a ghost but I believe there are ghosts. My Dad says he seen a ghost when he was younger. He had finished work and went to the pub, He said he walked in and seen his mate(can't remember what name he said) sitting at their usual bar stools, but dad had to go to the bathroom, so he just gave the guy a wave and said "won't be a minute." The guy gave him a nod as if to say ok. When dad got back from the bathroom his friend had gone. He asked the guy at the bar where Such n such had gone and the bar tender told him that he had died 2 days ago.......Dad has told this story many times and I believe him.
I thought at first it had to be the caretaker. Then I blew it up and took some of the glare out. It looks like a little boy to me. According to the brick courses the person in the window would of been about 54 inches tall.
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