Giant Cochin


10 Years
Jun 17, 2009
Coastal NC
Hi, I received a "mystery" chicken in a group that was supposed to be all pullets. Ya'll know how that goes, hee hee.

Anyway, from all of the available breeds that they carry the only one that I can figure out that this baby belongs to is the Cochins.
They only carry two types, white and partridge. So I am guessing partridge.

Clearly the legs are heavily feathered and I can see feathers just beginning to grow out from other toes on the foot.

I have felt for 2 weeks that this was a roo and I am fairly certain that it is. He is 7 weeks old now. I have a white female that has a lot more feathers than this little guy and she doesn't have the wattles showing like him. So am I right, he is a cockerel, yes?

I love giant cochins they are my favorites. I wish I could keep this little guy but I only can keep one roo and so this little one will have to go too.
Oh my. .He hardly has any feathers at all for that age! I think he looks more bantam sized.
This is my Standard Partridge Cochin Cockerel @ 8 weeks old. It's very shocking how many more feathers he has than yours! Either way, it's a boy. It's just strange that he has the feathering of a 3 week old.
Oh my. .He hardly has any feathers at all for that age! I think he looks more bantam sized.

This is my Standard Partridge Cochin Cockerel @ 8 weeks old. It's very shocking how many more feathers he has than yours!
Either way, it's a boy. It's just strange that he has the feathering of a 3 week old.

OMGosh! You are right what a difference in the feathering! Your boy is gorgeous.
My only roo is my avatar which is a birchin LF cochin. I didn't raise him so I don't have experience with LF babies. So you think my little guy is a bantam?

Your comment about mine looking more like a 3 week old got me thinking. I hatched out some babies under a broody and I just looked at my planner.
You are correct this little guy will be 4 weeks old this Friday, so he was 3 weeks when I took the photo. Sorry! I just got the dates mixed up.

Mine is only 3 weeks, so now I know what to look for when he is 8 weeks old.
Thank You, and sorry for the age mix up.
Just too many chickens to keep up with but I consider that a good thing.
Have a great day,
OMGosh! You are right what a difference in the feathering! Your boy is gorgeous. My only roo is my avatar which is a birchin LF cochin. I didn't raise him so I don't have experience with LF babies. So you think my little guy is a bantam? Your comment about mine looking more like a 3 week old got me thinking. I hatched out some babies under a broody and I just looked at my planner. You are correct this little guy will be 4 weeks old this Friday, so he was 3 weeks when I took the photo. Sorry! I just got the dates mixed up. Mine is only 3 weeks, so now I know what to look for when he is 8 weeks old. Thank You, and sorry for the age mix up. Just too many chickens to keep up with but I consider that a good thing. Have a great day, Posey
Now that I know he was only 3 weeks old (glad I was almost spot on with the age lol) - he looks to be full sized. My boy thinks he's a duck. Any ideas on how to convince him to mate with my beautiful partridge cochin hen? :gig
Oh so cute! To me giant cochins are the most wonderful birds. And I am a sucker for roos.
Of course I think the roos of most breeds are beautiful.
If I was a hen, I would be a hussy cause I would be following the roos everywhere.
Oh so cute! To me giant cochins are the most wonderful birds. And I am a sucker for roos.
Of course I think the roos of most breeds are beautiful.
If I was a hen, I would be a hussy cause I would be following the roos everywhere.

Oh yes! The bigger the better! He is only 20 weeks and outsizes my huge buff orpington hen. Since cochins are slow to mature, I can only imagine. The breeder had two roosters, and both stood almost to my waist in height. They were absolutely stunning. I wish the colours would show faster. He looks somewhat homely right now. The feathers on his feet are full and beautiful. I can't wait to see what he looks like mature :love

I agree with you.. there is something about roos.. I seem to look at them more than the girls. Their colours and mannerisms. I saw my big barred rock rooster feed a six week old chick last night. Nearly broke my heart with cuteness.

Oh and your avatar roo is stunning. What colour is he? Very nice!
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