GIANT Egg and Egg Size Comparison


♥♥Lover of Leghorns♥♥
May 21, 2020
Today when we went out to get eggs, we had three brown eggs and no white egg. Tillie (white leghorn) is usually first to lay, so that was a bit suspicious. Came out later to this MONSTER egg:


From left to right: MONSTER Tillie egg, larger than average RSL egg, normal WL egg, normal RSL egg, olive egger pullet egg. There's a quarter below them for size reference.
Today when we went out to get eggs, we had three brown eggs and no white egg. Tillie (white leghorn) is usually first to lay, so that was a bit suspicious. Came out later to this MONSTER egg:
View attachment 2439122
View attachment 2439120
From left to right: MONSTER Tillie egg, larger than average RSL egg, normal WL egg, normal RSL egg, olive egger pullet egg. There's a quarter below them for size reference.
Have you cracked the monster egg yet? Is it a double-yolker or an egg within an egg?
I have not! I'm kinda scared to. It might not get cracked for a while because we don't have time to make eggs in the morning on school/work days for the most part. I don't think it'll be an egg within an egg because the shell feels normal and what I've seen of double eggs is that usually the outside shell is soft.

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