Giant egg

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Don't know if anyone is still watching this, but we have a giant egg! It's 3 inches long, almost 4 ounces, and 8 in. circumference. After reading those articles I just had to take it's official stats! My son is eager to eat it and is wagering on how many yolks there are! Now that I know three is possible he'll be all the more excited to find out!

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I am sitting here with my mouth open
wide.Hubby just came in with our very first GIGANTOR egg.I asked if the hen was dead but he said no one was dead.She has to be hurting,we have had chickens for years now and I have never seen this.CRAZY
I measured it and it is over 3 inches a little. HOW.............



Here she be!!!!!This is very strange though,inside of the big one was an egg but also another egg still in the shell.How could this have happened.I even weighed it so yes that is right,you are reading correctly on the bottom page.
Too funny. I collected a huge one yesterday from my caged Ameracuana that has only layed 3 eggs in her life so far. She started getting pecked bad after her first egg, and I have her in a cage with the other birds. She did not lay for 2 days since she had been in there, and layed the mega egg yesterday. I ate it this mornig and I bet yours will be a double yoker too. She has not layed today in her cage, so I may get another whopper tomorrow. YUM!.......

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