Giant hens, no eggs - BBQ incoming

I have never heard that,

If you feed them a LOT of cracked corn, they will not have enough protein for good egg production. A little as a treat is OK (scratch). But they need the protein and calcium from a balanced layer formula.
I think that the weather this year has kept my egg production down. We have 8 layers and I get 3 or 4 eggs per day. Last year I was getting 7 or 8 a day during peak laying time.

Patience is definitely the key here. I hatched out some designer layers on 3/1 and just started seeing pullet eggs for the past 2 or 3 weeks.

Trust me....those BO eggs will be well worth the wait!

And, I love your coop
I have two BO that are almost 28 weeks old and not one egg... but I also have 2 RIR, 1 BR and 2 Ameraucanas that are the same age and they aren't laying either.. My 2 EE are 24 weeks old and they aren't laying... My dh threatened them with Ckn & Dumplings..his favorite..but they just shook their fluffy butts at him and continued to eat....
yep my fried was feeding his cracked corn and his bird stopped laying. he feed them layer feed and they laid again.
I have never heard that,
If you lower their protein content, they may very well slow way down or stop entirely, especially if they are molting, which requires a higher than normal protein intake.

My groups get 16% layer with animal protein (not vegetarian). In addition, first thing in the morning or when I call them in from freeranging by shaking the can, they get a few handfuls fo scratch, but this mix is what I feed my birds as scratch. It's an 11 grain scratch called Knockout and alone, is 13% protein, Corn is only about 8%.

That looks just like our scratch feed as well.It's the same price here as corn or that scratch which is mostly corn.Mine is made by our feed store which was once a hatchery.
I know spoiled chickens but spoiled chickens but they are sweet

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