Giant rabbit or Teenie dog?


Peepin N' Cheepin
11 Years
12 Years
Jan 25, 2008
I love this photo and just had to share, Teenie and Bocephus can you guess who is who?? LOL

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hahahaha too cute. I let my Yorkie in with my Flemish giant too and its so funny to see how big the bunny is compared to her needless to say the bunny is not afraid of the dog and runs right up to her to see what shes up to.
actualy the rabbit is more interested in checking out the dog rather than the otherway aroud but no I dont let them out together unless Im right there. Just got the FLemish Giant a week ago so they are still geting used to each other but this rabbit is going to be my house rabbit. I am only allowed one house rabbit( so hubby says). I need to make him some kind of cage that looks nice in the house. Still tring to figure that one

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