Gilan Thread (Caspian Hyrcanian Hens )

Lot of history in the Caspian Sea. I read once that the Vikings sailed boats down the Volga River, paid tribute to the Khazarian capital city on the river to pass through, and spent time raiding settlements on the Caspian Sea. I thought I also read that it is still called the Khazar Sea by some bordering countries. I'd love to see it, although I imagine a lot of it is heavily industrialized with oil/gas wells.
Azerbaijanian people and turkmens say khazar sea (xazar)
Very beautiful and stately birds! Thank you for sharing this information, and welcome to BYC! :frow How productive are these birds, and how are they typically kept? What I mean is, do people keep them confined and provide commercially-produced feed, or do they free-range and forage mostly?
thanks , Gilan breeds very old , jungle breeds , in gilan region only free-range!!!
Gilan beeds
Lot of history in the Caspian Sea. I read once that the Vikings sailed boats down the Volga River, paid tribute to the Khazarian capital city on the river to pass through, and spent time raiding settlements on the Caspian Sea. I thought I also read that it is still called the Khazar Sea by some bordering countries. I'd love to see it, although I imagine a lot of it is heavily industrialized with oil/gas wells.

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