Girls! Look what was peeking in my window!

My DH looks enough like James Spader we once got free dinner out of it!

So naturally I think James is hot ----- or at least he WAS before he started getting a little - portly??

I hold it up to DH as a "You too could look like this if you gain weight pic!
I know mean of me!

But, Johnny, don't tell Dh, Johnny can peek in my window heck he can crawl through my window anytime!
Julian McMahon from Nip/Tuck is another good looking man.

Hugh Laurie is also very attractive.

I'm odd though, in that men like Liam Neeson are hugely attractive to me.

Guess I'm getting old. =/


I thought about posting a picture of him last night. I first saw him in Bend it Like Beckham and he sure caught my attention!
I finally managed to drag my 13 yr old dd away from the screen long enough so I could take a look!! Dang - you gals have AWESOME taste!!!

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