Girls vs Girls

I'm still here..... Anyone else around? Where are my amigas??? Ok, it is morning and all.
I'm still trying to track down a vet to euthanize the Turkey and trying to research some feeder ideas still. Also I'm getting a bit famished
They sell out the stuff to do? I had no idea that was a option
It is. At least, I've been able to do it. Make sure your vet (if you see them much, they'll work with you) knows you are familiar with what your doing, and comfortable and happy to do it. Saves you an office visit. I'd just call them and tell them your turkey is failing, and its going to suffer, and you want to put it to sleep. Ask for the shot.
Marty- Ya, a card-board box seems simple but I'd stil go with aquriam- Then people can see them w/o having to lift off the top of the box and have a quail flying in their face

Strange to hear about a turkey being euthe'd, here it would either be food (Depending on size ) or get killed then fed to the dogs (my friends dogs or our dogs, depending if my friend wants it- she often gets moose parts or say a dead horse to feed them), she had a good life with you (((((hugs)))) (since it wont let me post the smiley >.> )
Kevin, you might consider giving her to the wolf dogs. I'd have somebody maybe cull her for you real qucik, and drop her in with them, if they go for that sort of thing, and if your heart can take it.

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