Girls vs Girls

. How has your day been Disco?
Hello anyone and everyone.

Hi Kevin, whats new?

Hi Cochin, Kavu, and armed chicken, whats new?

Hi Fierlin, whats new for you? Its not like you've siad anything about your life, but I'd be happy to hear about this unfairness. We can commiserate the fate that is life.

Hope I get to chat with some freinds before I fall asleep in the chair. I've either got to get up later, or go to bed earlier. I don't know about this late night early morning crap, but as soon as the sun peeks in, I'm up.

If I don't see you
to my amigas, where ever you may be. I saw an alaska tag downtown today....
My friends, my friends, I have missed you again,
And I wonder what I'm doing wrong.

Getting here too late, or maybe too soon,
I'm saying we need a community gong!

But, I love you all lots, and will be back again
to talk food, poultry, life, tears, and laugter

Cause we met here, my dears, on dear BYC
and I hope to BYCing you from today ever after.


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