Girls want a "chicken/rooster" weather vane...


8 Years
Feb 13, 2011
Central IL
kinda like an 'older" one...not the cheap plastic they have now w/the cutesy designs...

I am having a hard time finding one at a decent price...

I have been looking too. I see ones with horses all the time on CL, but not any roosters. I've been contemplating if I could make one somehow out of hammered copper? On the same note though, I did score some nice cast iron rooster door stops that are goin to look great on my coup. I make it a habit of searching most every morning for the the word "chicken" on CL. Never know what you might find.
I got one.. from Home depot.. under 50 bucks.. it is not plastic.. its just simple.. like a black wrought iron... its still waiting to be installed...

good luck
that one is adorable! I agree with Moetrot, I am always looking for "chicken" things on CL..
So funny you posted this! I was just planning my new coop. It's going to be next to my horse barn so I'm thinking of making it a smaller scale replica with a cupola and a weathervane... Our horse barn has a horse weathervane so I want to do a chicken one on the coop
I haven't started looking to much yet but if I find a good source I'll add it to the list!
I got one from Southerlands (I think it's local, kinda like Lowes or something though) for about $30 in the outdoor/garden type section, it was near the outdoor thermometers and things of that nature. It's black, metal, and has a rooster on it.
oh yes...I mean the $28 is crap and I'm sure the $750 one is lined with gold...and will pay for itself in years lol..

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