Give me the dirt on turkeys BR hen (probably close to three years old now) made a nest and started sitting on seven eggs under some branches in my pasture this morning. She ended up being in the full hot sun and was under distress by noon when I found her. So hubby and I moved her into the nest box I'd made JUST FOR HER (the little ingrate!) under a shady tree, and under a hoophouse to protect her from everyone else.

She broke one egg when I moved her, and broke and ate (?) another egg...other eggs covered in yoke....and roosted on top of the nest box all day. Should I just put her back in with the tom? Or give her time to decide to sit again? Should I ditch these five yolky eggs? If she goes broody, I would consider stuffing the nest with chicken eggs, as I could use a few more chickens, too. She did hatch out some chicken eggs last....Feb-March! Then the tom got amorous and smooshed some of the chicks, and a rat got the last two. I have a broody pen for her now.

I got them to raise poults, and so far, nada. Two years.
My chickens are raising my poults. My Bourbon Red hen really wants to, but she is to big and clutsy. She was close to hatching 2 poults, but in the last day or so, the shell broke off of the last egg. I think she stepped on it. She insists on setting in the chickens nest box. Silly bird...
Do you mean chicken hen raised poults or turkey hen raised poults? I wanted to put some of the turkey eggs under a chicken, but they aren't cooperating with their timing!

The eggs that the turkey is on...she went back on them this morning and is fully broody...four of the five are covered in egg yolk. Will she be able to hatch these "dirty" eggs? Or should I replace them with chicken eggs so at least she is making herself useful? I need more chickens, too. But would rather have turkeys....
Wow. Read the whole thing. Great info! I so want some Royal Palms - just beautiful!
I had NO idea that turkeys fly! I guess I always just figured they were too large/fat to get off the ground.
Well, as soon as we're able to have more land - I sure would love to try my hand at raising some turkeys!

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