Give That Girl Some Privacy


11 Years
Apr 28, 2008
SW of Greenwood, INDIANA
Tristan, my blue Orpington rooster is a real character. Last week a black Orpington hen, Aida, started laying (finally), and this week my blue Orpington hen, Isolde, started laying, BUT, she was going under the deck out back to lay it. We thought a hawk had gotten her, but that's a different story. Anyway, they're locked in the coop since we got a foot of snow a couple of days ago. Tuesday she laid in the nest, but did nothing on Wednesday. Yesterday was the corker; I let them out into the run, she flew over the low fence into the silkies' area of the run, went into their coop, and got into a nest box in there. I missed her from the Orpington coop and thought maybe she got out without my seeing her when I opened the front door. Searched all over the property for her, finally found her in the Silkies' coop, and carried her back to her own coop...

Looked into her coop later and didn't see her, but the rooster was on the large nest, 16"x18". I thought, "Hmmmmmm..." I walked to the back of the coop and lowered the egg door, and there she was getting ready to lay with Tristan standing guard over her and giving her the privacy she wanted by hiding her from the other hens' view. What a good boy![

Now if he could just learn to mate correctly, and fertilize those eggs.
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I have WHAT in my yard? :

Must be related to you then!!


Made me laugh.

Some roos need a little more time to get in down.​
Mahonri, your new avatar is scaring me a little

Ooh, sorry, I dragged the thread away from the question of the OP. My bad.

Back to chicken privacy...
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Just went out to see if there was an egg, and dang if he's not standing on the front board of the nest (this time facing in rather than out) while the black hen is laying her egg.

Is this behavior normal?
my roo did the same thing in the beginning I think it is pretty common it was as if he thought they were being hurt or something and was standing guard. He does not do it anymore though.

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