Giving broody fertilized eggs


Jun 14, 2022
Hello! I purchased fertilized eggs for my broody hen and I have some questions as I've never done this before.
We have an omlet cube coop. Is it okay to let her hatch them in there with our other hens?
If I'm lucky enough to have them hatch should I separate mom and chicks. I don't see how the chicks could safely get down the steps.

If my best option is separating her for the whole process will she have trouble going back in with the other girls after they hatch? Can I see your setups if you've created a mom/ chick nursery separate from your flock?

A dog crate would be ok for a bantam, but not a full sized chicken.

There are a lot of ways to be successful with broody hens, you’ll have to see what works for you. I always let my hens sit where they choose (if it’s safe) and then move her after the chicks hatch. I check the nest a few times a day to make sure she’s on the right nest and remove any eggs that we laid by the other hens.

You can see some broody setups on YouTube.
These people move their hens before incubation
English Country Life
These people move theirs after incubation
Happy Wife Acres

Having a broody hatch chicks can be such a joy! Good luck with your hatch!
Hello! I purchased fertilized eggs for my broody hen and I have some questions as I've never done this before.
We have an omlet cube coop. Is it okay to let her hatch them in there with our other hens?
If I'm lucky enough to have them hatch should I separate mom and chicks. I don't see how the chicks could safely get down the steps.

If my best option is separating her for the whole process will she have trouble going back in with the other girls after they hatch? Can I see your setups if you've created a mom/ chick nursery separate from your flock?

Ive also given my broody BSL 11 fertilized eggs(after making sure she was actually brooding) and we are attempting to hatch in our Omlet Eglu Cube(that she shares with 1 other hen(black copper maran)
Also our first go at letting a broody hatch her own clutch :) We are hoping it goes well too. Im following your thread for others tips as well.

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