Giving Chicks To Broody Hens

she could have been pecking the chick for a reason rather than to just be mean I would leave the chick and let nature take its cause
5 isn't that many chicks and chickens aren't the brightest birds so she will probably think they hatched I wouldn't worry about her pecking them
she could have been pecking the chick for a reason rather than to just be mean I would leave the chick and let nature take its cause
The chick was really upset so I pulled her out and she is already mixed in with the others so I'm not 100% sure which one it was. But I'm going to try putting another one in and taking another egg.

Where were they rescued from? Just curious.

Are you giving them to her at night?

Someone bought them for Easter and was going to dump them. And no, it's 1:26 pm here.
5 isn't that many chicks and chickens aren't the brightest birds so she will probably think they hatched I wouldn't worry about her pecking them
Chickens are smarter than dogs, there are lots of studies on chicken intelligence. They can also count so I think that's why she kicked the one out. She knew she had 4 eggs and she thought 2 hatched because 2 eggs were gone but there were 3 chicks...

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