Giving Chicks To Broody Hens

I guess that depends on what your weather is like. What sort of temps are we talking about? And what time of day? I'd be surprised if they didn't want to huddle under Momma at night time.

And poor Momma - It sounds like she is doing the 'Don't you make me come out there and get you!" thing my Mum always used to do with us kids, lol.

I would have thought if they were truly cold they would naturally move to Momma. I guess it's still very new to them all though, it might just take some time for them to get into that routine.

If all else fails, you could put some kind of heating lamp in there with them, but my best guess is that they will sort it out amongst themselves in due course.....

Now I'm nervous for you, lol!

They are in the house and it's not that cold here. And it's afternoon.
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It's 5:48 am and I just checked on them, all six were under her :)

That's so wonderful! I just think watching a broody hen with her chicks is the most amazing thing ever. They are so attentive and you can see they love their babies just as much as we love ours.

Congrats on a successful 'hatch!' I'm so pleased it all worked out for you.

That's so wonderful! I just think watching a broody hen with her chicks is the most amazing thing ever. They are so attentive and you can see they love their babies just as much as we love ours.

Congrats on a successful 'hatch!' I'm so pleased it all worked out for you.

Thanks for all your help! Do you think it's safe to add a few more chicks? Or will she peck them trying to protect the original 6?
I think it should be alright if she pecks them take them out but I have seen hens with up to 20 chicks

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