Gleet Vent or worse??

Lisa Thorne

In the Brooder
Nov 24, 2017
Please help!! Graphic pics!! My rooster snow white has not been crowing. He more lost his voice. I then noticed his vent very smelly and poopy. Like "pasty butt". He has not been very active with the girls either. I read up and think he may haven't vent gleet. There are not lice or mites. I checked night and day. Please see pics below and help!! Poor guy. I have soaked him in Epsom salt and added apple cider vinegar to water and isolated him. Let me know! Also his crown is dark and not bright red. The pictures are after the Epsom bath btw.
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Roosters can get vent gleet from hens, so check your hens too.

From the photo, it appears to be a yeast infection (vent gleet) though I suppose it could be other things.

It is important to treat it as it can cause death in extreme cases.

I am more familiar with vent gleet in hens, but I imagine a rooster would be similar.

I only had milder vent gleet which I cured by giving the bird yogurt and spraying the vent with Tinactin to kill the yeast.

This fellow may need a vet and some nystatin.

Good luck with him. I'm sorry he is not doing well.


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