Glen Beck fans...just in case

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Every time the government gets larger and more involved in our lives we lose our freedoms, hence our country.

It is? The government is pumping mass amounts of cash into our economy to keep the numbers up. It's artificial. Other than a reasonable level of regulation the government should keep it's hands off our economy.

Because the military action there is winding down. Obama is exponentially increasing the troops in Afghanistan. I don't disagree with his tactics but what we are really seeing is a shift.

Really? Didn't know that. No opinion.


Actually I don't think anyone "deserves" anything not in our constitution and I definitely don't see it being the governments job to provide healthcare.

Best thing to happen to freedom of religion in the last 2000 years was separation. The last thing we need is a government trying to control what we believe, not that they don't already. Alan Dershowitz enlightened me on this subject and completely changed my paradigm. Most people of faith respect and desire the separation. Please remember though that "church", "faith", and "Christian Moral Foundations" are three different things.

This doesn't happen on both sides? What about the socialists on the left that the Dems pander to. That's politics, plain and simple.

I wouldn't tell you at all what you could do with your body. I'm not going to discuss the morality of reproductive rights here. Don't you understand that most conservatives and Libertarians want the government out of our lives, bedrooms, and wallets?

I do find it odd that a woman could walk into a clinic and terminate a pregnancy yet will get a ticket if she fails to put her seatbelt on for the ride home. Sorry, rambling on.
Yeah. I am not a Geraldo fan. He gave away troop location once. Does anyone remember that? Not to hijack the Glenn Beck thread. Sorry.

sorry, i did open the threadjacking on purpose
We were getting close.......

But yeah, I do remember that. I am surprised the seal forces didn't pop him while he was on the rooftop with the infrared cameras.
Nothing wrong with caring about the environment. I get a bit salty when people downplay the importance of it. Can't help it- the scientist in me is fed up. We moved here to expand on our love of all things eco-friendly, and we're surrounded by trash-burning, water-polluting litter bugs that don't recycle anything.
Sorry for the rant- don't mean to offend.

Yeah- we're still in a recession- but I just don't see all the gloom and doom and government any more in my life than I did last year. I don't understand why people can be so upset about things that haven't happened. It was fear-mongering that divided this country. Fear of taxes (who cares?), fear of terrorists, fear of gay people getting married....

You know what I'm afraid of? My grandkids not having clean water and air. That is what we are losing. What do I do about it? I take full responisbility for every footprint I leave, I write my representatives, and I teach.
Glen Beck belongs on Broadway! It is difficult for me to understand any of his downcast theories let alone endure his overdramatization when he stares half- faced, googley eyed into the camera. What a ridiculous waste of air time he is. They need better writers. Maybe he should have stayed on radio in a foregin market. Say... Bohemia.
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Yeah, fear in almost any form is a waste of imagination and paralyzes us. I like to look towards the future with a "how can we make things better" attitude.

The politicians intentionally divide us to gain power and control. I'm starting to believe this economic situation we are in is more manufactured than we know. Look at the power the government is getting from all of this and I'm very concerned with the amount of Americans looking to the government for salvation. The politicians are loving this and that scares me.

We could discuss, debate, and agree on environmental issues in another thread. I doubt our core beliefs would differ much.
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