GLuten free feed??????

gluten is an issue only if it makes it in the chicken system and in the eggs. Why not serve wheat sprouts mixed with the feed? they have enough enzymes that the gluten will be digested.
Did you know there are different forms of gluten allergies? Yep, I didn't realize this until my grandson's GI doctor explained that some people are allergic to gluten on the inside, some on the outside and in the worse cases both. So, those contact rashes some people get including those without celiac might be from gluten contact. There are also different sensitivity levels for celiacs. Where one person can eat a gluten free cake slice with less than 20 ppm of gluten another would have a reaction to the same slice with only 10ppm.
It is for the peace of mind for our family we just keep all wheat/gluten items off our property to the best of our ability. I know we can not eliminate wheat from our world but we choose to cut out as much as we can for our health. I know crossover into the egg/meat is minimal if any but why take the risk when there are alternatives? Rice, sunflower, beans, peas, alfalfa, oats, all these sprout with wonderful results. I've even sprouted plain white rice I bought at the store just to see if it would and it went crazy.
Just my thought on trying to add any kind of glutenous seed for sprouting.
Did you know there are different forms of gluten allergies? Yep, I didn't realize this until my grandson's GI doctor explained that some people are allergic to gluten on the inside, some on the outside and in the worse cases both. So, those contact rashes some people get including those without  celiac might be from gluten contact. There are also different sensitivity levels for celiacs. Where one person can eat a gluten free cake slice with less than 20 ppm of gluten another would have a reaction to the same slice with only 10ppm. 
It is for the peace of mind for our family we just keep all wheat/gluten items off our property to the best of our ability. I know we can not eliminate wheat from our world but we choose to cut out as much as we can for our health. I know crossover into the egg/meat is minimal if any but why take the risk when there are alternatives? Rice, sunflower, beans, peas, alfalfa, oats, all these sprout with wonderful results. I've even sprouted plain white rice I bought at the store just to see if it would and it went crazy. 
Just my thought on trying to add any kind of glutenous seed for sprouting. 

I, for one, am aware of the various levels of sensitivity to gluten. However, with Celiac Disease, I was told by my GI dr and other doctors to never use gluten in any foods, skin products (soaps,lotions, shampoos, conditioners, perfumes, etc.), or toothpaste, mouthwash etc. Even medicine,so I have to always check with the manufacturer to see if a medicine has gluten. Also oats have been a controversial grain, so I purchase only gluten free oats. Here's what I was told by my GI doctor. If you have Celiac Disease and put any gluten into your body, you may or may not have an outward reaction of any degree to it; however,it is still affecting your small intestine in a detrimental way. It still affects the villi in the intestine. Celiac can kill us. Gluten will basically "kill" the intestine, not to mention that it can affect a person in other ways too. My podiatrist's father-in-law went over 20 years undiagnosed with Celiac. It not only continually caused him internal pain, but he became extremely & permanently "hunched over" from it. My daughter has a sister-in-law, a young woman, whose Celiac is so bad that if she gets so much as a trace of gluten in her, she becomes very ill. I also make certain that my partner does not "gluten" me by things he eats or uses. If he eats gluten, then kisses me, I could be glutened. And even if he brushes with a toothpaste with gluten and kisses me, I'm glutened. I even feed my dogs grain free food, bc I want to be safe cuddling them, and I want them to be healthy too. So far,so good, as my oldest dog is almost 16 with a lifespan of her breed being 17-18 years.
The sacrifices are many with a person sensitive to gluten. I personally choose to avoid it at all costs when I can. There have been times that I have been glutened anyway, usually by cross contamination, & usually from restaurants. Lately I've shown symptoms and have been trying to figure out why (an often difficult problem to solve). I just called a feed store last week about a bale of straw my fiance purchased to see if it is oat straw or derived from another glutinous grain, bc should it be and I'm touching it daily, I'm having a reaction.I have researched online every single personal product I use to be certain it's free of gluten, sometimes having to contact the manufacturer directly. If they cannot give me a definitive answer then that product is put on my "no-no" list. Can we totally, 100% always avoid gluten? I doubt it. But the more we are aware of the hidden glutens or the ways we can be glutened besides putting food in our mouths, I feel then we have the ability to make better choices for our own health. And everyone has heard the old saying,"You are what you eat." So, I guess the question is,"Just how far back in the food chain do we need to go to make sure gluten isn't going to have an adverse effect on our bodies?", ie, what we touch, what we feed our animals that we plan to consume or what that animal produces that we eat like eggs, such as their feeds or treats like meal worms we are farming and what they are eating. This whole process is time consuming and sometimes answers are elusive, but for myself, I want to live as healthy a lifestyle as I can possibly achieve for many, many years to come.
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plus someone, I believe on here said rhey are taken from poo......... It doesnt surprise me in the least OH< also buckwheat is supp to be Gluten FREE. I buy it as "Kashi" what is it about Blue corn????? Never heard Jeffery Smith as in EVIL corpoation...Monsanto, bringer downer guy, Book is "Seeds of Deception". and video traiker. "Genetic Roulette"),mention blue corn being okay.. Katherine Albrecht asked him or maybe it was JOYCE Riley from the "Power HOUR"r He also said they are changing their NAME. his other video trailer is . jeffery smith site is The only corn last I heard HIM say was popcorn QUOTE] As far as popcorn is concerned, I've read do not eat microwavable popcorn.There must be GMO's or something in it that is not healthy. But I've not heard of regular on-the-stove poppable corn having any GMO's.
SO,....... lynhill
 What did you change to for your mealworms?   I got a big bag of Rice Bran... but concerned it may be too old and weavil infested....
 I got those drawers in three .. got Rice Bran in one and cracked wheat or wheat bran in another and prob Oat bran in the other
  There wAS A LINK to a Paper  on mealworms and such as to different beddings that were  used and the results.. an older Experiment published findings....
 Just a wonderings thanks

I changed to a combination of flax seed meal and gluten free oats. So far, so good. They are devouring it.
I am aware that eggs do not contain gluten themselves but neither does my breastmilk. However if i consume the gluten protien and then nurse her she has a reaction. The same type of thing is happening with eggs.
This sounds like Gluten isn't actually the problem - have you verified that shes not allergic to one of these grains specifically? She could be celiac and also be allergic to wheat.
As far as popcorn is concerned, I've read do not eat microwavable popcorn.There must be GMO's or something in it that is not healthy. But I've not heard of regular on-the-stove poppable corn having any GMO's.
There's nothing unhealthy about GMOs.

The vast majority of corn - flint, sweet, or pop, is GMO.
There's nothing unhealthy about GMOs.

The vast majority of corn - flint, sweet, or pop, is GMO.

I actually didn't say GMO's are unhealthy. My statement was an either/or one-GMO's or unhealthy. I'm sorry you misconstrued what I said. Truthfully, I don't really know if GMO foods are healthy or not, but the words, genetically modified, sounds a bit creepy to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure they are in my diet too. It's just that I would prefer to think eating whole foods without it would be better, but sometimes the more I read, the more I wonder just how pure we can make what goes in or on our bodies today. And there again, how far back in a food chain does one need to research just to see if something happens to be a healthier choice? I'm certainly no fanatic about it all, & as far as the politics on this GMO subject goes, I'm not spending my precious time on this earth on some soapbox. Maybe I ought to do some more research, who knows? I'd rather just do what I can do, and raise my meat animals and my organic garden and live whatever amount of time I've left on this planet in peace, reasonably in decent health and be happy.Being Celiac, unfortunately many gluten free products have a corn base. I've known for years that corn is not particularly healthy for us, but when you are stripped from so many other common grains, you adapt to what you can use.
Lynn - in your case, you're probably better off eating GMOs than non-GMO - every GMO crop is tested extensively for all known allergen causing proteins. Conventionally bred crops are not tested at all - so it's possible for new varieties to introduce proteins that survive the gut and cause reactions because they are similar to other allergens.
Lynn - in your case, you're probably better off eating GMOs than non-GMO - every GMO crop is tested extensively for all known allergen causing proteins. Conventionally bred crops are not tested at all - so it's possible for new varieties to introduce proteins that survive the gut and cause reactions because they are similar to other allergens. 

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