GLW and egg size

Linda in San Diego

11 Years
May 11, 2008
San Diego
In my siggy line, you can see the different breeds/strains of hens that make up the Delightful Dozen. So far, all are laying except the Barred Rock - go figure.
But the Gold Laced Wyandottes have been laying for a couple of weeks and the way we recognize their eggs is that they are so small! I call them "toy eggs" and am thinking about selling them to friends with little people (children), because they are consistantly small eggs. You need 2 to make 1 egg sandwich.
Is this normal in your experience or do I just have two tiny egg layers?
But my GLWs are at the opposite end - they are "supposed to" lay eggs of a good size - instead we get "TOY SIZED" eggs. Cute, but not what I expected.
Don't even get me started on the Barred Rock! They are the boss hens, but not a single egg to show for it!

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