Gnat problems


7 Years
Jul 4, 2012
Hi folks! Thought I'd share in case anybody else is having this issue...
We've had a big issue with gnats (buffalo that bite!) this year due to a lot of rain, frequently! I have thought my girls, mostly my EEs, were going through a molt - I've just had chickens for a little over a year and haven't yet experience a molt. It's been going on quite a while now and it doesn't seem like new feathers are growing in over the bald spots, so have been starting to wonder. I have noticed more recently that my girls weren't getting out and foraging very much, compared to the normal constant foraging, and have been consuming a lot more of their feed. I finally put two and two together and realized that the gnats are attacking my girls, probably causing the loss of feathers, and the girls are just trying to hide out from the gnats and staying in the coop a lot. I also just noticed that some of my new chicks (Memorial Day) have a small bald patch or two and decided that is also due to the gnats. After a little research I tried spraying them all with vanilla water, and also placed covered dishes of vinegar with small holes poked in the lids to trap the gnats near the coops. The traps don't seem to be doing much and the vanilla alone may have helped a little, but not a I added some Rosemary essential oil to the vanilla water. I've sprayed the chickens with that mixture the last couple of mornings before letting them out and it seems to help a lot! The girls are back to foraging and not spending so much time in the coop, and not eating so much of the feed. :) I also spray down the doorways to the coops each morning.
I have a rosemary plant that the chickens frequently forage inside of. My daughter sometimes throws treats in the bed with the rosemary, so the chickens check there for food. The yard and the chickens smell nice.

I LOVE rosemary, and yes it smells fabulous! Unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to keep them alive very long...though my last one did live for about a year, which is great for me! Mine have to be container, or dug up in the fall - they can't survive our winters outdoors. Any tips would be appreciated!
What was the mixture you made ? The ratio of vanilla and rosemary oil to water.

It was 1 tsp. vanilla to a quart of water. I didn't have any guidance on the rosemary oil, so just poured a little in - not sure how much, but it was enough that I could smell it (yet could still smell the vanilla). Also, I noticed the particular one I actually used (I have a few different rosemary oils) has mint in it.

From flood conditions to too dry now! At least the gnats aren't nearly so bad and I don't have to keep spraying the chickens!! :)
Anyone know if that works for mosquitoes also? Thanks in advance

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