goat behaviour

Just a comment. In the 40 years I bred dairy goats, with one exception, I never had a buck challenge me. The exception was one not-too-bright youngster and he never did it again. Personally, I wouldn't keep a buck that was dangerous to be around. It just isn't worth it. If he was valuable, I would have him collected and then in the freezer he would go. But that's me.

I totally agree with you. Unfortunately the goat that challenged me wasn't mine, he was a goat at the farm where I keep mine. I suggested that the owner to sell him. They didn't want to, so they just put him in a separate area. Honestly, he was low quality and served no purpose. If he was mine he would be sold. I wouldn't butcher. There are thousands of more goats exactly like him you could pick up for a couple hundred bucks. If he was high quality, that would be a different story. Although, I don't know if I would want those genetics in my herd. A mean sire could throw some mean kids.
While disposition is hereditary to an extent, my guess is the buck is the way he is because of the way he was raised. Has anyone pointed out to the owners that they are financially responsible if that buck injures someone? Just wondering.
While disposition is hereditary to an extent, my guess is the buck is the way he is because of the way he was raised.  Has anyone pointed out to the owners that they are financially responsible if that buck injures someone? Just wondering.

You are exactly right in the way he behaves is influenced by how he is handled. I'm not around him much (thankfully) but when I am, his aggressive behavior is just encouraged, because, I guess, in their eyes it is "fun" or "playful". It's a farm that has a lot of young kids as visitors who probably think it is fun to "head butt" the goats with their fists. Might be cute as a kid, but a 200 lb. horned goat is not to be messed with.

The farm owners probably don't know they would be liable. They probably aren't thinking of the results, honestly. But I'm the only one, besides them, who even goes in there. And I don't really, anymore. There's no need. He's not mine and it's not my place. My goat is in another pen. Disaster avoided. Lol.

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