Goat breed that doesn't make much noise (:


5 Years
Jun 12, 2014
Does anybody know of a goat breed that doesn't make much noise? :)

Thank you.

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You dont' want a Nubian. That said, how noisy a goat is depends a lot on its individual temperament. Goats make noise if they are unhappy. If they have comfortable quarters, company, and plenty to eat they are usually pretty quiet.
Generally Saanens/Sables and LaManchas are fairly quiet breeds. Like Cassie said though, there is always that one...
Honestly, i usually depends on the goat. Sorry to disappoint you, but I have three Nigerian Dwarves and all of them are different.
One NEVER yells ever, another yells only when hungry, usually the afternoon, and one yells each morning when the sun comes up.
But, I do have to say the really quiet one was bottle-fed from birth; so she never quite learned to communicate by yelling, haha. The other two were raised by their goat mommas and therefore like to yell.
I don't recommend a specific breed in general, but NOT NUBIANS!!!
I just recommend getting one that has been bottle-fed; they are usually quieter, friendlier, and very loyal. My bottle-fed baby would follow me over a cliff.
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Honestly, i usually depends on the goat. Sorry to disappoint you, but I have three Nigerian Dwarves and all of them are different.
One NEVER yells ever, another yells only when hungry, usually the afternoon, and one yells each morning when the sun comes up.
But, I do have to say the really quiet one was bottle-fed from birth; so she never quite learned to communicate by yelling, haha. The other two were raised by their goat mommas and therefore like to yell.
I don't recommend a specific breed in general, but NOT NUBIANS!!!
I just recommend getting one that has been bottle-fed; they are usually quieter, friendlier, and very loyal. My bottle-fed baby would follow me over a cliff.

Except a bottle kid may likely scream for their human friend, even if they have other goats to keep them company. I have a bottle raised goat who screeches as soon as he sees people. So bottle fed does not equal quiet.
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I have LaManchas and Boers, and My Boers never holler unless there is trouble ( normally when one of their herd mates makes a break over the fence) and most of my LaManchas are only noisy when they want treats or something, but I have one LaMancha girl who NEVER shuts up. They are all pastured, with hay, grain, grass, friends, water you name it, and she will holler every single stinking time she sees me ( to the point where I "sneak" by her when I don't feel like listening to her. So, with that note, I agree with the others. Just depends on the goat. But most of my LaMancha and Boers are pretty quiet :)
You dont' want a Nubian. That said, how noisy a goat is depends a lot on its individual temperament. Goats make noise if they are unhappy. If they have comfortable quarters, company, and plenty to eat they are usually pretty quiet.
Aw, shoot! I love Nubian Goats because they have such cute floppy ears and they are really sweet... both my friends have those. I will be sure to show this to my parents, so they will get me some milk goats.
I think I could keep them pretty happy... you know I have tons and TONS of sweet gum trees in my woods, the place they will probably be staying.
I like Nubians too. But they can be, er, sensitive. Or tempermental, or hysterical, or just plain mental. And of all the breeds of goats they are the noisiest. There are quiet Nubians. I have owned some. But if noise is an issue, I wouldn't choose a Nubian.
Boers seem pretty quiet, overall.

Nubians sound like toddlers torturing cats. Or cats torturing toddlers. Whatever, they're too much for me!

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