Goat getting ready to kid? Help?


5 Years
Aug 10, 2014
I have a very sweet Nigerian Dwarf doe that I got along with a buck from a bad situation. I've had them about a month and a half, and have been slowly getting them introduced to goat foods and they have been pretty happy. When we got them, we were told the doe is probably pregnant.
I've been keeping an eye on her, and I'm starting to worry her time is coming- but I'm not sure.
She isn't all that big in the belly, but I started noticing a discharge from her.
This morning it seems like there is discharge and she is sort of flexing... I don't know how else to describe that, but her muscles there seem to visibly tense up and then relax. I have never noticed her do that before.

How else can I tell if she is getting ready to give birth?
These are my first goats and I could really use some experienced advice!
Thanks in advance!
Yeay, udder developement!
Does squat like that to let the kids nurse easier. Some squat like that when you milk them also.
Just check her ligs every day, and if she doesn't mind you touching her udder, then feel that also, just to get you used to each other! Once the ligs are gone, you'll know. :)
Yeay, udder developement!
Does squat like that to let the kids nurse easier. Some squat like that when you milk them also.
Just check her ligs every day, and if she doesn't mind you touching her udder, then feel that also, just to get you used to each other! Once the ligs are gone, you'll know. :)

Yeah I am keeping a close eye, and checking her :)
She has been acting a bit differently lately. My once shy girl has turned into a tyrant! Mostly over food- she is suddenly very dominant over the other two girls and not a bit shy about it.
No real bullying or fights just "All the foods are for meeeee!" I've set up multiple hay feeders to make sure everyone is getting enough. It's funny to notice them playing musical chairs of sorts with the hay bins.
She has also gotten touchy about me touching her.
Must be hormones. I laughed and said at this rate, if she doesn't kid soon, she will turn into a pregnant goatzilla!
No this is the first time I ever have to help I just gave her a shot of penicillin

Any time you give an antibiotic you need to follow the proper course. She will need antibiotics for at least five days, seven to ten would be better. Giving a single shot does not actually do any good to kill bacteria. It kills a few, and the ones that survive just continue to grow....except they are resistant to penicillin and cannot be killed by it at all. Medication 101 means always follow the directions.

If you have normal Pen G, she needs to be dosed twice a day for the course. Use the proper dose based on her weight. If you have long acting penicillin (it will say so on the bottle, very clearly), then it is given once a day.
!!!! You guys! I am sitting with her and she is in labor now! I'm so excited! And a little nervous.
Her ligaments are gone and her sides are sunken just like in the info. She is panting and grunting a bit and doing all the things I read about.
Her udder isn't shiny and tight but it is pendulously large.
I've been distracted by my other adult doe having health issues. I have been worried about worms and am waiting to get results back on what kind... I really want to ensure everyone is safe and healthy.
If anyone has any tips, info, links about keeping kids and mom please share.
I moved her to a kidding area that I made in my house to make certain it is clean and brought in new fresh chopped straw bedding.
Mom has had an initial worming and 10 day follow up so far with Ivomec given orally.
Photos and hopefully good news to follow soon!
UPDATE and Photos! :D

Mom the night before. A very round goat!

Welcome to the world

Since my last post, the kids have found their, albeit wobbly, legs. The smaller kid who was first is notably more unsteady that the second, slightly larger kid.
I did help guide them towards their first meal. The bigger kid caught on much quicker.
Mom has expelled some after birth, and while she was focused on that, I helped the smaller kid find what he/she(?) wanted.
I did also give both of her teats a gentle squeeze to make sure milk is flowing- it is.
So I am hoping they both got at least a few swallows in them.
She is still hyper focused on grooming them, and they are focused on clumsily trying to nurse which is complicated by the fact that mom will not stand still. She doesn't seem to get that they are hungry!
There's a lot of goat chatter going on now and it's all very interesting.

I would love any advice on making sure kids get enough in their little bellies!
and also anything about supplements etc for skinny kids.

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for being here and sharing support and info. I do not personally know anyone who is farming or keeping goats so this site has been so wonderful!
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if he took to the bottle then he is hungry. If it were me, I would leave him with mom (unless she decided to reject him, which she may very well do. Sometimes one is all a first time can handle) and just supplement him several times a day. If you go here http://goat-link.com/content/view/94/76/#.VMmU3ikQHqC
and scroll a ways down, there is a chart for guidelines for feeding baby. The Nigerian amounts are in brackets. :)

Momma may just not be making enough, and what she does make the stronger baby is taking most of.

And get some more milk coming, lol.

I wouldn't cut the dumoor pellets, she needs the protein. Protein makes milk. She could use the alfalfa too. She needs the calcium in it. Otherwise she pulls from her body and that eventually leads to hypocalcemia (aka milk fever)
Any time :) Oh, I forgot to mention, there really isn't any reason to put the nutri-drench in the baby bottles. It has propylene glycol in it, and that stuff is yucky!
Hi! I'm posting an Update and Photos for anyone still following this thread.

The kids are 2 weeks old today! They are doing very well. Eating well, nibbling on hay, and very playful. Since their mom decided she didn't really want to be a mom, she has been enjoying life back outside while the kids have stayed in here and taken over my entire schedule. Momma goat is eating much better now though. She has been giving us 2 and 1/2 cups of milk each day, sometimes a little more. I'm adding a handful of calf manna into her pellets and she seems to like it.

The little boy goat remains super attached to me. I spend time in their area with them a lot to make sure they get attention. For a while I was even using a warm washcloth to mimic a mother cleaning them. I know touch stimulation is important for mammals. Anyway I apparently have a lap goat! Both kids are getting super socialized, and have even met the dogs who they, unlike the adults, have no fear of. I'm also starting to get them used the idea that I pick the up and touch their hooves to make future grooming perhaps easier on all involved.(Their mom is practically a feral animal when it comes to hoof trimming. It's kinda stressful) Both kids seem to be coming along really well. I'm excited to see what they weight this evening.

I am keeping them both. We have decided to castrate the boy and then he can stay to run and play with his sister as they grow up. Since these are the only babies I think it will be better if they have each other to play with. Not to mention I'm already so attached to them ;)

I do have a serious question for anyone reading this- at what age do you chose to castrate?
What method do you prefer?
I am looking towards the Emasculatome method that involves no cutting and also no banding.
This question is a big one on my mind because the boy is already chasing the girl around making chittering noises at her and trying to mount her. I know that at 2 weeks his equipment can not possibly be functional yet, but I am shocked at the behavior already starting so young. I do allow them time out of their area to run it out around the house and have distractions and wear themselves out. But I don't want anything to happen, and I also don't think it's very nice for my poor little doeling to have to deal with the unwanted attention.
Any input from experience would be very appreciated!

I've personally never used any of the other methods, so perhaps my input isn't the best. But I band my lads. The itself banding is pretty quick, though it takes a few weeks for the dried up package to fall off. They always get a dose of banamine 30 minutes to an hour before I do the deed. I am a big proponent of providing pain relief when animals are in pain. Any method you choose will hurt, sadly. I also use banamine on them before a disbud.

I thought of using an emasculator, but I was concerned with not properly crushing the spermatic cord. At least when the junk fall off, I know he won't be functional unless he is a cryptorchid. But if that is the case, I'd know something was up with the testes, if I could not palpate two of them before banding.

I band at eight weeks. It gives them a little time to develop and mature. And they should still be shooting blanks then, plus sisters won't have her first heat by then, either.

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