Goat in labor 20 hrs, not dilated


Feb 10, 2022
Hi, this is a full size Alpine doe 2.5 yrs old. She expelled this material yesterday morning at 9 am. I assumed this was a false pregnancy like last year so gave her aspirin left her in her stall and checked again at 5pm. :( I felt the nose of a fetus but the cervix was not dilated enough to pull it out. I gave her 24cc calcium gluconate orally and 6cc subq. That helped dilate her more but not enough. She had more contractions for a while after that. She's still drinking but hasn't eaten solid food or hay since yesterday morning. I thought I felt the baby's nose move at 10pm but nothing at 10:45pm. Does this mean she'll need a C-section? I'm torn about spending $300-600 tomorrow on her because she's not a productive member of the herd (infertility and low milk production), and has injured and bullied the other does, but she is loved by a couple of the bucks, and I should have paid better attention this morning.

I would definitely get her to a vet. Generally the water bag comes out at the beginning of labor and the kid follows. Either you missed the dead kid somewhere. Check throughout the bedding. I've had that happen. Otherwise you will need a vet to remove the kid if one is still in there. They can do xrays to see.
Thanks. We just got back from the vet. There was a kid in there, dead for several days according to the vet. It was positioned with it's head folded back so what I was feeling was its neck. Vet was able to manually remove it. Bill was only $252.
I would definitely get her to a vet. Generally the water bag comes out at the beginning of labor and the kid follows. Either you missed the dead kid somewhere. Check throughout the bedding. I've had that happen. Otherwise you will need a vet to remove the kid if one is still in there. They can do xrays to see.
Thanks. We just got back from the vet. There was a kid in there, dead for several days according to the vet. It was positioned with it's head folded back so what I was feeling was its neck. Vet was able to manually remove it. Bill was only $252.
Glad you got it resolved at a fairly reasonable rate. That would of killed her eventually. I don't miss breeding goats. Most times it's simple and easy, but when it's not it's always stressful on the mom and keeper. Also glad you have access to a vet. Some will not see goats around here.
Hi again, does anyone have suggestions on what to do with this doe now? I already have one wether pet goat and cannot afford to keep a second pet, also don't have the space. She also bullies and injures the other does which is an extra hassle for me. She is producing less than a cup of milk per day. If I drop her off at the local livestock auction she might be bred by her new owner which could be disastrous for her. I posted an ad online explaining her circumstances that she is looking for a new home as a pet. Is there any other option?

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