goat with tendon problem still not better

I work in the medical field, well before I became a SAHM, and that is what I thought, but they kept saying wrap it tighter, wrap it tighter.....2 days after he went to the vet I unwrapped it and wrapped it again, but not as tight.....it was already starting to swell and they said it was from stretching the tendon. I guess he will go back to the vet tomorrow. The goat vet is in on Thursdays and I should just have them amputate it, we have been struggling with this for 2 weeks now with no improvement. Dogs do fine on 3 legs....I think he will, he pretty much uses 3 legs now.
That contracted tendon is not bad at all. If it were mine, I'd leave the splint off and just work with it manually. I have seen much worse contracted tendons get better with no intervention at all. If the splint is causing swelling, it is causing far more problems than it is fixing. In fact, it can cause very serious problems and even permanent damage.
Ok, he was set to get his leg amputated today......Do I need to wait? He can not use the leg at all anymore and just keeps falling over it because it gets in the way. The leg won't go as straight as it did before the splint.
I don't know what to tell you. If it were me, I would wait. But that's me. My thinking is that you can always take the leg off, but you can't put it back on. I think it is odd that the leg seems worse. Is there any possibility that the splint caused some nerve damage?
Sometimes just waiting is the best thing to do. But that is my opinion. And I haven't seen or examined the goat.
Maybe an ace wrap~sans splint~ to return venous flow, decrease swelling and give some support to the leg during movement? Not too tight but snug enough to do the job. I would say the swelling is causing some pain and causes him to not want to bear weight on it. After the swelling goes down, let him work this out himself.

I'm with the not amputating crowd~ and letting nature heal the leg.

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