Goats and diseases?


Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
So my mom and I were talking and somehow the fact we're going to have eggs came up and she sort of joked that we could be "self sufficient" so I was joking too about other animals, like we could get a cow, or goats or rabbits, etc. And she stopped me and said "oh goats have that real bad disease. We're not getting goats." i was sort of like "what?" and she was all like "oh yeah you can die from goats. That's how those two little boys at that petting zoo died" I tried to say "you have to wash your hands and those aren't really clean" (because let's face it, how clean are most petting zoos?) and she was just like "yeah but" or something like that. Just sure they had diseases.


Do goats actually have some deadly disease that you'll die from just from having them? Surely if that was true there would either be no goats or a lot of feral goats since all the humans that owned them would all be dead?

It just makes no sense and I have no clue what she's talking about AT ALL or what little boys she's talking about or anything. Please help.
I've had goats for years, haven't died yet, neither have my kids who are grown now, nor anyone else I know who owns goats! When raising and caring for any animal it's just a matter of common sense. Wash your hands when you come in from the barn, don't wear barn shoes in the house, perhaps refrain from kissing, licking or otherwise lapping up germs off your animals lol! Just joking with you there, kind of, I have heard of plenty of people kissing their chickens and other farm animals, not something I would do! But the point is, just practice good animal husbandry and common sense, keep things clean, and you'll be fine. There is no mysterious disease pertaining specifically to goats that is going to kill you or anyone else. Maybe she's thinking salmonella? You can also get that from chickens and eggs and lots of other sources but again, common sense and cleanliness usually keeps most people out of trouble.
Thank you for your help and information!!

That's exactly what I thought too but she just seemed so sure they have some disease. Could be that one.especially since kids touch their.mouths.

I just remembered thougg that every year at the fair I always touch all the animals, the cows, mini horses, goats and sheeps, etc., etc. And no problems so idk what she's thinking.

But yeah, I have been avoiding kissing the chicks. Soooo hard but I don't do it. I kiss my.dog and cat and when I still rode horses I would kiss the horses but that's different, horses are pretty clean usually. I would never kiss my.chickens. goats may be hard but manageable lol
So my mom and I were talking and somehow the fact we're going to have eggs came up and she sort of joked that we could be "self sufficient" so I was joking too about other animals, like we could get a cow, or goats or rabbits, etc. And she stopped me and said "oh goats have that real bad disease. We're not getting goats." i was sort of like "what?" and she was all like "oh yeah you can die from goats. That's how those two little boys at that petting zoo died" I tried to say "you have to wash your hands and those aren't really clean" (because let's face it, how clean are most petting zoos?) and she was just like "yeah but" or something like that. Just sure they had diseases.


Do goats actually have some deadly disease that you'll die from just from having them? Surely if that was true there would either be no goats or a lot of feral goats since all the humans that owned them would all be dead?

It just makes no sense and I have no clue what she's talking about AT ALL or what little boys she's talking about or anything. Please help.

All animals have the potential to carry zoonotic diseases that can harm humans. You have a dog? You can get plenty of diseases from a dog, lots of parasites especially. Cats too, the big one cats carry is toxoplasmosis. Poultry can carry zoonosis, same with cattle. Be rational, not paranoid.

Anyway, goats can carry Q fever. Humans can also get soremouth from goats. However, Q fever is incredibly rare in developed countries. Soremouth can be easily managed. If you goats get it, wear gloves until the lesions heal up. But deadly diseases from goats? Unlikely, unless you have a really weak immune system.

You do want to test your goats for three diseases, they are CAE (Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis), CL (Caseous Lymphadenitis), and Johne's disease, to ensure they are healthy. These are big, deadly diseases passed among goats. You want a herd that is clean of these big ones. WADDL can test for all three from a single red top tube of blood and you can submit samples yourself, no need for a vet.
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All animals have the potential to carry zoonotic diseases that can harm humans. You have a dog? You can get plenty of diseases from a dog, lots of parasites especially. Cats too, the big one cats carry is toxoplasmosis. Poultry can carry zoonosis, same with cattle. Be rational, not paranoid.

Anyway, goats can carry Q fever. Humans can also get soremouth from goats. However, Q fever is incredibly rare in developed countries. Soremouth can be easily managed. If you goats get it, wear gloves until the lesions heal up. But deadly diseases from goats? Unlikely, unless you have a really weak immune system.

You do want to test your goats for three diseases, they are CAE (Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis), CL (Caseous Lymphadenitis), and Johne's disease, to ensure they are healthy. These are big, deadly diseases passed among goats. You want a herd that is clean of these big ones. WADDL can test for all three from a single red top tube of blood and you can submit samples yourself, no need for a vet.

Thank you so much for the info!!

I completely forgot that even "normal" pets can get it, I will bring that up hahah

That's interesting though. I'll watch out for that.

I'll definitely get them tested though or buy from tested herds!

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