God help me! My hens feet are frozen

Make sure you gag her when you return her to the coop
. She'll blab about the great warm house The People live in and they'll all take turns pulling that stunt throughout the winter
Never trust a wily hen . . .

Seriously, though, best wishes to the gal. I just put down some fresh dry shavings for mine, as they are tilling my greenhouse for me and have some damp areas they're working in!
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hey yeah shes better should i put her back? i justr dont want the samethign to happen again!

Should i put vaseline on her feet? shes been indoors in my bedroom the past few days..
anyone there? I looked again her feet are warm now but they are still puffy and the tips of her toes are black! ANyone know whats going on?

Pls someone respond im scared
I'm so sorry about your hen.
It sounds like frostbite. I'm not sure what happens next. Maybe you should update your first post so that more experienced people will know it's getting worse. You might pm one of the moderators, too. I hope she gets better.
I would think that the black part will eventually fall off. Does she have enough left to walk with?
I would keep her and her feet warm for now. Warmth will increase circulation which is what she needs right now. Those feet need to be warm
FYI, if an animal has a frozen part, start the thaw with cold water, and gradually make it warmer. Not hot.
Yes, indirect heat. You cold put a hot water bottle inside a towel in the cat carrier, give her something for a perch as mentioned, 4x4 or 2x4 wide side up. I agree that water at this point could shock her feet and cause a massive circulation breakdown. What a shame, but you're working hard to save her. Go slow, breathe. A bit of sugar water would not hurt her if you don't have electrolytes.

Listen to Les (nnbreeder). He knows...
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If you don't have a hot water bottle fill a pillow case w/rice, uncooked rice, microwave it so its like a heat pad and once its just warm, not hot, place it on the bottom of the cage for her to sit/stand on- this works like a hot water bottle. Good for sore muscles, too.

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