Going to get my wisdom teeth out.

that sounds like a fairly freaky
experience to be going through

not fun about throwing up
been there done that

hope you are feeling better soon
ME TOO! they invented anesthetic for that reason!

Oh and no chew food!!! Chinese food ranks right up there on my list of no chew food!
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ME TOO! they invented anesthetic for that reason!

Oh and no chew food!!! Chinese food ranks right up there on my list of no chew food!

I'd kill for some Chinese food right now.
Soooo Hungry!

Glad you got it done. It wasn't that bad was it?

I had mine done two seperate times.. So once is bad enough, but they only took out 1/2 mine the first time, then the rest the second time.

All I had were shots, so I didn't get sick, although my face was so dang numbed I think I chewed my inner cheaks and toung alot! The drooling all over ourself can be quite entertaining however! Mine were removed before they became an issue, so I didn't have any swelling/bruising.

Be very careful about drinking with straws or any sucking type drinking/eating. ...if you start having alot of pain you could get dry socket, and they are NO fun at all!

For those of you not getting it done if you need to, your mouth and teeth health can play a huge role in your general health and longevity! You owe it to your families to put on the big girl/boy panties and take care of your teeth!!
Hope you're healing ok! Did they give you any pain meds??

I just got one wisdom tooth removed last month(I didn't even know I had them
) because it was infected. Scariest thing ever, but it was ok in the end.
LittleChickenLady, thanks for sharing your experiences. They told me to take my wisdom teeth out when I was around 17. And the last time I went to the dentist he mentioned that again. But I think only one of mine is out (halfway) and the others aren't coming in. I just don't see why everybody has to get sliced and diced just because of teeth everybody has in their head?? What did people do before surgery was so available? Get infected more, I guess... But mine don't feel infected or anything, and some "natural medicine" folks told me their oldest daughter had hers taken out and now she has an empty gap in her mouth to accumulate crud.

So if a tooth is already erupted, they pull it, and if it's still embedded, they cut it out?
Some people need to have them taken out as there is no room in their jaw for the teeth to fit properly and they start pushing other teeth out or coming in at odd angles and causing more problems.

I have wisdom teeth deciding to tell me that they are in fact in my jaw by causing me a constant jaw ache and my jaw clicks when i open my mouth.. There isn't any room for them to come in i have crooked teeth already, so i need mine to be taken out sometime in the near distant future or they will most likely cause me a whole boatload of problems at some point.
Sorry to hear that...I have relatively straight teeth so I was kind of hoping I could just skip all the slicing and dicing.
I have never had any type of dental work, not even a cavity, so I am somewhat leery of dentist guys chopping away.
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