Going to Italy

Thanks, y'all! I think I took a grand total of 700 pictures. I need to go through them and cull out the bad ones. I'll get more on here soon.

We did Venice (my favorite), Vicenza, Florence, Rome, Naples (my least favorite) and Pompeii (unbelievably cool). I think when I take the students we will do Venice and Rome and just take day trips from there. The shifting from hotel to hotel was wearisome. We will also add Parma to the class trip (a great Renaissance theatre is in Parma).

I'm craving prosciutto and italian sausage. The prosciutto I can get at the grocery store isn't anywhere near as yummy (although my dogs and cats go insane when I haul it out of the fridge). The food was divine!

Gotta run. More later!
Looks like you had an awesome trip!! My wife is an artist and has always wanted to got to Italy.. Our goal is to go for our 20th anniversary in 2014. Hope we make it!!

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