Golden comet Hen or Rooster?


In the Brooder
Jun 1, 2016

I'm thinking hen.

That said, how old is it, and where did it come from? We also need a full body pic.

But, if it's older than say 17 weeks and from a hatchery, it's female.
How old? Can you get a full body photo of the bird? It's very difficult to tell sex from just a headshot. Being as its a Comet, a Sex Linked variety, and I'm seeing red feathers on the neck, I'd say it's a mature pullet very close to lay, but occasionally sex links will have weird coloring so I'd say we need an age and a better photo to be sure.
We got her from a friend, they said she was a hen but we haven't gotten an egg yet but is around 2yrs old.. She makes very deep sounding noises, and with that huge comb she has me worried.

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