Golden comet with egg issues


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 28, 2013
Martinez, GA
Ok, we purchased a golden comet that was "6 months old" she began laying the day after we brought her home. Nice brown eggs except for one diagonal strip of darker pigment. This has consistently been what she has layed for weeks. Yesterday morning she layed an egg with little pigment in the shell except for the darker strip. This morning she had laid an egg without a shell and it looks like she didnt know she was going to lay one, from the position, it looks like she was on the perch and it dropped and busted. Rubbery and normal looking contents although the other chickens were eating it. Common? Need more calcium? Older than what they said she was?
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These types of egg conditions are common in new layers. I get all kinds of strange looking eggs and occasionally a shell-less egg. She should get it all worked out pretty soon. I would make sure she gets plenty of calcium. Layer feed isn't enough. A coffee can full of crushed oyster shell always available for free choice and feeding back the crushed egg shells are good.
You could try givin her 1/2 a human calcium pill orally few days in a row and see if that helps. If it does, you'll know that she's not getting enough calcium.

I feed my hens lay pellets, scratch, oyster shell and greens that are high in calcium.

We do leave out oyster shell. She won't eat it unless its in her scratch. She won't eat egg shell either. However I just found out she likes my fried egg sandwiches, since she just ate half.

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