Golden Comets


My GCs are the sweetest. Although maybe not the smartest, as they like to perch on the grill! They aren't particularly loud where neighbors would be bothered. Although a bobcat came to the coop one afternoon and boy were they loud then!
Has anyone out there had any experience with Golden Comets? I am looking for a large Brown Egg layer that will lay every day if there is anything out there like that. Your comments will be appreciated.
I have a golden comet hen and I absolutely adore her! She is so friendly and easy going, and she lays huge eggs! I'll be getting more this spring
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My golden comets were purchased at 20 weeks old. One of them totally hates my work boots. Almost thought she was a too when we first got them with her big comb and lots of attitude.
I try to pick each of these gals ip every time I go into the pen. Apparently they were handled differently than our babies are.
Our babies are just that babied.
We usually have pretty docile birds.
They were laying nice sized eggs, with one girl in the bunch leaving us as egg so big each day I could hardly close the carton.
I have 36 golden comets. Live in Coshocton Ohio with the current temps ranging between 29 and 40.
In my reading it seems they will do well in unheated coops which is what i have.
I Generally get 32to 36 eggs everyday. I have been surprised with the overall size of the eggs. lots of xlarge and jumbo's and double yolks.
I am planning to add another 14 to the flock to round out this group to 50.
Have been training them to come when i whistle and they do a fairly good job
i ALSO free range them in the pasture.

I am new to the field of raising chickens and still in the learning mode. Previous a horse owner. At least these make me some money$
We sell our eggs at a local farm store for 2.40 a doz of which they take 10%
Where did you purchase your Golden Comets?
VERY EXCITED!!! We are picking up our 5 Golden Comets on Feb 27! Haven't cared for chickens since my Gpa had Bannies. Our beef guy recommended them to us.
Has anyone out there had any experience with Golden Comets? I am looking for a large Brown Egg layer that will lay every day if there is anything out there like that. Your comments will be appreciated.

We just got 6 GC's and we love them. They are very very friendly birds and are great with my kids. They will eat out of my kids hands. They lay XL to jumbo size and are little skinny birds. 2 of the 6 will fallow my son around the yard and peck at his toes if he is bare footed. He laughs and says it don't hurt just tickles. But they are very nice little birds.

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