Golden Lace Wyandottes are mean chickens?


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 16, 2014
Piner, KY
Well we tried to introduce our 4 RIRs to our small flock of Golden Lace Wyandottes
at first everything looked OK, then the GLWs went to work, first they cornered the
reds then separated one bird and started attacking her, pecking and pulling feathers.
Needless to say the RIRs went back into their area, there is a fence line separating
the flocks, but they could make contact if they wanted to.

I have thrown scratch, cornbread, greens and corn along the fence line with hopes
of getting the Wyandottes and Reds to accept each other, but the Reds are afraid
of the Wyandottes and refuses to venture close to the fence line separating them?

Any suggestions???

If these birds won't accept each other I will have to get rid of the RIRs,
I have been thinking about getting some Buff Orpington eggs from Meyers Hatchery,
hatch them out in my incubator and them get rid of the Golden Lace Wyandottes
or rather put them in the freezer since they will stop laying by next summer
any way.....?????

We use to have a GLW rooster but he attacked us every time we entered the
coop area, we had to put him in the pot.

Thank you for your time and help,
The truth is, chickens are just so territorial. You are going to have pecking and, sometimes it's going to look really violent when you put some new birds in with the established flock. I've had chickens for a long time, and what you have to do is, put them together, and then turn away and don't look. If you watch, you'll be upset. Especially when you have a soft heart......Believe it or not, they will adjust to each other. And at least your RIRs will have each other. Trust me on this one. Just check on them to make sure they're getting food and water. I do have one rule, and that is, make sure your new birds are of equal size to the established flock. Often, I have water and food in a few different places to make sure everyone eats and drinks. It will calm down....Just takes time.....
Thank you for your response and help, I kind of figured that we would
just have to put the birds together and let them work it out, now I just
have to convince the wife, which is gonna take some doing.

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